土曜日, 12月 31, 2005
Junior Camp 最終日(1week )
木曜日, 12月 29, 2005
Junior Camp 4日目
水曜日, 12月 28, 2005
Junior Camp3日目
火曜日, 12月 27, 2005
Junior Camp 2日目
月曜日, 12月 26, 2005
Sanwa Tennis Academy Junior Camp
Hasta la vista !
木曜日, 12月 22, 2005
Nice Guy !
火曜日, 12月 20, 2005
English Hour
Just a minute,please. 「ちょっと待って下さい「
Come in. 「どうぞ入って下さい」
This is room 316. I'd like a blanket , please. 「こちら316号室ですが毛布をお願いします」
I'd like a wake-up call,please. 「モーニングコールをお願いします」
Do you have room service? 「ルームサービスはありますか?」
I'd like a pot of boiled water. 「飲むお湯が欲しいのですが」
Please bring me some ice cubes and water. 「氷と水を持って来て下さい」
How long does it take? 「どのくらい時間がかかります?」
As soon as possible , please. 「できるだけ早くお願いします」
I'd like a bath towel . 「バスタオルが欲しいのですが」
I'd like to order breakfast for tomorrow. 「明日の朝食をオーダーしたいのですが」
My breakfast still hasn't arrived. Please bring it right away. 「朝食が来ていません。早くして下さい」
Happy Merry Christmas!
金曜日, 12月 09, 2005
Who is he ?
When he was 3 or 4 , he picked up a racket .
He loved any ball sport.
He started with lessons about 8.
Before that it was for fun. He would occupy himself for hours against a wall
or a cupboard . He would hit to the wall for hours and only came back
when he was thirsty or hungry.
He was upset when he lost a match . This was his ambition,very competitive.
He hated to lose. He worked with a mental trainer. He was wasting energy on emotions
instead of keeping calm. He got his whole personality and whole emotion under control.
After he overcame his teenage ups and downs , and he won Wimbledon juniors
in 1998 . He won sngles and doubles so he knew “ I can compete with all of them.”
Then he beat [Carlos] Moya ,a top 10 player, and then he had the feeling “ I can beat the top 10 .” The year after , he beat [Pete] Sampras. He knew " I can beat anybody .”He was beating the big guys at a very young age .
Do you find the answer ?
But anyway when Roger was a young child , he already had a wonderful balance.
日曜日, 12月 04, 2005
The power of imagination
Today's players class's theme is how to swing your racket .
It's very interesting . They wached pro-tennis players swing on the screen before they practice tennis .
Imagination is the ability to create pictures in your mind .
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein(アインシュタイン)
金曜日, 12月 02, 2005
Do you know podcasting?
Recently I am absorbed in podcasting !
Podcasting is a term used to describe a collection of technologies for automatically distributing audio and video programmes over the internet using a publisher/subscriber model. It differs from earlier online collections of audio or video material because it automatically transfers materials to the user's computer for later consumption; it is one example of push technology. Podcasting enables independent producers to create self-published, syndicated "radio shows," and gives broadcast radio or television programmes a new distribution method.
Do you understand ?
So let's have a try at it ! I hope you'll like it .
月曜日, 11月 28, 2005
English Hour
案内 手配 編
Where is the dining room ? 「食堂はどこにありますか?」
Is there also a cafeteria ? 「ほかにカフェテリアはありますか」
What time dose the dining room open ? 「食堂は何時に開きますか」
What time can I have a breakfast ? 「朝食は何時ですか」
Can I have breakfast in my room? 「朝食は部屋でとれますか」
Could you keep this baggage until 4 o’clock? 「この荷物を4時まで預かってもら
May I have my baggage back? 「預けた荷物をもらいたいのですが」
Can I have a card with the hotel’s address?「このホテルの住所を書いたカードを下さい」
Where is the nearest subway station? 「ここから一番近い地下鉄駅はどこですか」
Could you make reservations for a restaurant for me ? 「レストランを予約していただ
Do you have a fax machine? 「ファクシミリはありますか」
What time do you close the front door? 「表のドアは何時に閉まりますか」
I’ll be back late tonight. 「今夜帰りが遅くなります」
I’d like to send this parcel to Japan. 「この荷物を日本へ送りたいのですが」
Could you pack it for me? 「梱包してもらえますか」
Can I have a box for packing? 「梱包用の箱を下さい」
Could you page Mr.Chris over here? 「クリスさんをここに呼び出してください」
He must be somewhere in the hotel. 「ホテル内にいるはずです」
「ご存知のように前回からEnglish Ranking を導入しました。目指せナンバー1!」
木曜日, 11月 24, 2005
English Hour (extra)
テニスの試合で使えるフレーズ (Match)
Fight each other . (お互い頑張りましょうね)
Let's decide who is going to serve first . (どちらがサーブを先にするか決めましょう)
Which position would you like? Up or down? (アップそれともダウンですか?)
You are right./ You got it ! (当たりです)
Serve or court? (サーブそれともコートですか?)
Is it in or out? (インですかそれともアウトですか)
It fell on the line.(= in) (オンラインです)
What's the score now ? (スコアはいくつですか?)
Which side do you want to take ? ({Duce ノーアドの場合}どちらのサイドを選びますか?)
It was a nice shot/serve. (ナイスショット/サーブです)
It was too long .(=out) (アウトです)
Thank you for the game. (ありがとうございました)
Can we play again ? (また試合しましょうね!)
Tiffany のママさん、試合頑張ってください、応援しています。
月曜日, 11月 21, 2005
English Hour
Hotel 編
I’ll arrive late , but please keep my reservation。 [到着が遅くなりますが予約はキープして下さい。]
Check in please . 「チェックインをお願いします」
I made a reservation in Singapore . 「シンガポールで予約しました」
Here is my confirmation slip . 「これが確認書です」
I”d like a quiet room . 「静かな部屋をおねがいします」
May I see the room ? 「部屋を見せて下さい」
Do you have anything cheaper ? 「もっと安い部屋はありませんか?」
Could you give me a larger room? 「もう少し大きい部屋にかえて下さい」
I’ll take this room. 「この部屋にします」
How much is the room charge per night ? 「部屋代は一泊いくらですか?」
Dose it include tax and service charge ? 「税・サービス料込みですか?」
Is breakfast included ? 「料金は朝食付ですか?」
Do you need a deposit ? 「前金はいりますか?」
Do you have a shared shower ? 「共同のシャワーはありますか?」
May I have the key , please ? 「鍵を下さい」
Would you have my baggage sent up ? 「荷物を部屋に運んでくれますか?」
Can you keep my valuables ? 「貴重品を預かってもらえますか?」
「昨日のEnglish Class もみんなの努力のおかげで、かなりレベルの高いものに
My good english teacher
I have a good singaporean friend .His name is Shon .
Actually He is not english teacher . He is a lawyer.Well he often invite me his home and teach me english .That's why I want to call him a teacher .He is very good at teaching english .It's easy to understand .
Yeasterday we talked about "Keigo" .
Mr Shon said "Keigo has a built in system of allowing people to show respect to others.
It helps one not to offend other people ."
I really agree with his opinion . What do you think?
Next time I'll put his phot on this.
土曜日, 11月 19, 2005
Pleasure of after tennis !
After playing tennis ,I often enjoy dinner . Last time I went to a magic bar with Hideki-san and Kwanopapa-san .
It was first time to see a live magic . What a strange I think . It was really good show .
We had a very ggod time .
And one more photo is a Kawanomama-san and her daughter Yuki-chan in interesting brige .
I think the background [the bridge] is very nice on them. .
金曜日, 11月 18, 2005
Private Lesson
I had a private tennis lesson today.
I played tennis with Mr Peter. He is from England .He was very good at playing tennis,especially much .
And he said [ Here is photo of a champ and a learner . We played for one hour . It was very hot .]
So we had a really good time .Thank you for joining us . And have a nice trip to Mr Peter and his wife !
月曜日, 11月 14, 2005
English Hour
移動編 (空港から市内へいざ出発!)
Is there an airport bus to the city ? 「市内へ行く連絡バスはありますか?」
Where is the bus stop ? 「バス乗り場はどこですか?」
How much does it cost to the city by taxi ? 「市内までタクシー代はいくらですか?」
Where can I get the limousine for Hilton Hotel ? 「ヒルトンホテルに行くリムジンバスはどこで乗れますか?」
How can I get to the hotel ? 「そのホテルにはどうやって行くのですか?」
To National Tennis Center , please. 「ナショナルテニスセンターへ行ってください」
Take me to this address, please. 「この住所へ行ってください」
How long does it take to go to the city .? 「市内までどのくらいで行けますか?」
Please put my baggage in the trunk. 「荷物をトランクに入れてください」
Stop here ,please. 「ここで停めて下さい」
Which bus goes to the city ? 「市内へ行くバスはどれですか?」
What time does it leave ? 「出発時間は何時ですか」
Does this bus stop at Copthorne Hotel ? 「このバスはコプソンホテルに止まりますか」
Where can I get a ticket ? 「チケットはどこで買うのですか」
Could you tell me when we get there ? 「着いたら教えてください」
金曜日, 11月 11, 2005
They are your good English teacher!
This is Mr Guna , Mr Darren and Ms Sity . They work same as my place of work .
Have you seen them before right?
I have a good suggestion to all of Sanwa Junnior . You already have a lot of opportunity to speak English .
When you go to Sanwa Tennis Academy ,you try to communicate with them . (Just say " Hello Mr~ or Ms~")
It's up to you. Go for it !
They always wait for your courage .
Mr Guna said as human beings our great gifts is the ability to comunicate with each other ,or to understand each other
true conversation .
Don't be afraid of making a mistake !
Today's proverb is{ If you can dream it, you can do it.}
日曜日, 11月 06, 2005
English Hour
{到着編 (さあ目的地の空港に着きましたよ)}
I’m just passing through。 「乗り継ぎするだけです」
I’m leaving for Thailand tonight. 「今晩のフライトでタイに行きます」
Where can I get my baggage ? 「手荷物はどこで受け取れますか」
I can’t find my baggage. 「私の荷物が見つかりません」
Here is my claim tag. 「手荷物引換証はこれです」
Could you please check it urgently ? 「至急調べてください」
How soon will I find out ? 「いつ頃までに連絡をもらえますか」
Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you’ve 「見つかり次第ホテルへ届け
located it. て下さい」
How can you help me if you can't find my baggage today ? 「今日中に見つからなかった
I’d like to purchase what I need for the night.. 「とりあえず必要なものを購入したいの
Will you pay me for it ? でその代金をもらえますか?」
Where can I change money ? 「両替所はどこですか?」
How late is the bank open ? 「銀行の営業時間は何時までですか?」
Can you change this into dollars ? 「これをドルに交換して下さい」
Ten dollar bills , please . 「10ドル札にしてください」
Do you accept traveler’s checks ? 「トラベラーズチェックを扱ってますか?」
I ‘d like some small change. 「小銭も混ぜてください」
I think these figures don’t add up . 「計算が間違ってませんか?」
May I have some change ? 「これを細かくして下さい」
May I have a receipt ? 「計算書を下さい」
特に初めての空港などに来た時やそこで問題が起きた場合は、これらのフレーズを使って積極的に係りの人を捉まえて質問(Excuse me ,,,,,,,)し、パニックに陥らないようにしようね。
comments をクリックして、Other にチェックを入れ、名前をタイプして、書き込みをして、最後にPublish Post をクリックして完了です。
木曜日, 11月 03, 2005
Thank you very much Tanigawa coach!
On October 31st Yoshio Tanigawa who has been teaching pro tennis player Shinobu Asagoe for 6 years came to singapore.
He's not only good at teaching tennis but also good in motivate students. His lesson was easy to understand and very real, I thought.
He`s a spiritual and full of confidence kind of person, I would say.
I learned a lot of things from him.
So I really appreciate him.
Today's proverb [Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.]
日曜日, 10月 30, 2005
English Hour
「 Sanwa プレーヤーズの皆さんこんにちは、テニスの調子はどうかな?
Let’s start!
Where is my seat? 「私の席はどこですか」
Where should I put this? 「これはどこに置けばよいのでしょうか」
Can I put my baggage here? 「荷物はここに置いていいですか」
Could you keep my baggage for me? 「私の荷物を預かってくれませんか」
Could you change my seat , please? 「座席を替えていただけますか」
Where is the restroom? 「トイレはどこですか」
May I go through? 「ちょっと通してください」
What kind of drinks do you have? 「どんな飲み物がありますか」
I feel cold. 「寒いのですが」
May I have a pillow and a blanket , please? 「枕と毛布を下さい」
I feel a little sick. Can I have some medicine? 「少し気分が悪いのです何か薬を下
How much longer dose it take to get to Penang? 「あとどのぐらいでペナンに着きますか」
Will this flight get there on time? 「このフライトは定刻に着きますか」
I’m anxious about my connecting flight. 「乗り継ぎが間に合うか心配です」
Could you tell me how to fill in this form? 「この書類の書き方を教えてください」
木曜日, 10月 27, 2005
Chris Kaneshiro
Today I want you to introduce my good friend .His name is Chris Tan from Malaysia . He like only this Japanese name 'Takeshi Kaneshiro. He always say his name is Takeshi Kaneshiro. We met at English school and always drink milo together .He is very funy, kind and humorous . Last tuesday we went to IKEA .and ate hotdogs .It was cheap and delicious. We can help ourselves with chilli, mustard and tomato sauce which available at the self-service counter. I think it's very good idea!
水曜日, 10月 26, 2005
MOTOROKR E1 with iTunes
Today I bought a new phone . It's fabulous and stylish! Its features is quite similar to iPod .
I like it very much . I can talk on the ROKR and rock with iTunes. And surround myself with lights and stereo sound.
Shake it to the music, babe!
Todays proverb [Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.]
火曜日, 10月 18, 2005
One of my good colleague from Thailand
Ryota Sakai works at STA in Thailand as a tennis coach . Mr Kaneko said nowadays, he will become a charismatic tennis coach very soon.
He is very clever, active, humorous and hard working as well as knowledgeable.
Yesterday we talked about our dreams until 5am and had lemon tea in the early morning. He said he had never tasted such a nice cup of lemon tea in his entire life . So we had a really good time together.
Anyway, we hope to fulfil our dreams in the near future. Well I wish you all the best, Ryota!
Todays proverbs [When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults.]
日曜日, 10月 16, 2005
I am curious about this stall
Normally most of stalls are almost like same appearance in the Hawker center ( food court) . But this stall is different from these stalls .
It especially attract our attention . It looks like western restaurant . That's why I am very pleased with here .
And here's pasta , fish & chips and Master's smile is so nice as well .
But anyway today was heavy rain all day long . Even if it is rain outside , players eagerly traind in the Hotel.
Today's proverb [The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance --it is the illusion of knowledge.]
木曜日, 10月 13, 2005
The most delicious fried rice in the world ?
Mr Ochi who is great tennis coach said this fried rice is the most delicious in the world .
I never eat other country's fried rice except for Japan and Singapore .But I want to agree with Mr Ochi!
Actually it was very nice and mild and light . So I want to eat every second or third day .
Anyway this stall is in China Town , Just above the CK shop . You should try to go and eat this fabulous food by 1pm.
Don't be late !
Sim LIM Square
Yesterday I went to one of the biggest electric appliance shop building . Bcause of repairing my company's PC and buying a new Printer . There are so many appliance like digital camera , digital video ,MP3player ,a lot of kinds of PC and so on.
You know I like just walking around at these interesting place. So I felt lack of time to see all of shops in this building.
水曜日, 10月 12, 2005
For health
Health is better than wealth . As you know moderate exercise will do you good .
Today I want you to introduce woman's trainer whose name is Cindy .
She also work at same as my place of work .
One of her member whose name is Emily are under severe training in the gym .
But they are good friends as well . In the mean time they enjoy talking and discuss about way of proper training.
So this time is very precious for health I guess .
日曜日, 10月 09, 2005
The other new comer
I want you to introduce Eiji's younger brother . He came Singapore this year ,it's same as me .
He's definitely new comer , I mean he has not only good skill but also wonderful sense and sensitivity.
It's very important for everything I guess .
So he have to keep looking for knack for improving tennis as well as get a chance to win the match immediately I think .
But anyway he's truly nice guy !
Good luck Shunji !
By the way I had a really good time at the BBQ party in this evening . I want to say thank you again to every players parents .
One of my good friends
Today I went to eat lunch with Mr Guna. He is my good friend .He always take me to lunch . I am grateful to him .
Because I dont want to go for lunch alone. He must understand my feeling . He also give me good advice and hints for work almost every time.
For example He teach me how to behave as a coach and how to manage the sports club and so on .
So I want to call him teacher.
Acutually I and he is same place of work . He is very good trainer especially teach boxing .
I respect him not only as a trainer but also as a man .
土曜日, 10月 08, 2005
Learning from game of tennis
At last we won the championship at tennis tournament today .
I really enjoyed playing today's much as well as Eiji.
Because we learned a lot of important things from last much.
Of course we understoodd that it was difficult to win the much .
And we had a good experience . I think most important thing is knowing . First of all we have to know myself ,partner,opponent,strategy and what's going on the game .
By the way I would like to make good use of this experience in the future .
Good night!
水曜日, 10月 05, 2005
Nice Game
As I said, today I partticipated in tennis competiton in Kallang tennis center .
It was night session like US Open Tennis . I was very excited to be able to win the match .
My partner Eiji has good skills and guts as well as he is very clever . Thanks Eiji ! I know we'll be big success.
Tomorrow's much is semi-final ,So It should be very thrilling game , I guess .
See you tommorow!
火曜日, 10月 04, 2005
Day off
Tuesday is my day off , but I went to tennis court today , I mean place of work . Because I will take part in the tennis competition in Kallang tennis center tommorrow . So I practiced tennis with STA Jr players . Eiji and Ryohei was doing very well . I have had a very good time with them today .
I really want to win the tommorrow's much .
Disappered my bicycle
In this morning I was very shocked . Because I missed my favorite bicycle , Maybe someone stole it .
But I think It's my fault , Always my local friends gave me advice about Singapore affairs. So I should have been more careful.
Never mind! After lunch I bought new one. And I rode it on along the singapore river at once.
It felt good .
日曜日, 10月 02, 2005
Relaxation is very important of life as well as sports. I guess . But it is easy to forget . So I will try to make favorite time and place and what I do by my selfe in my daily life . Here is my one of favarite place .
When I am in there I can think many things .
Anyway thank you for waiting Nick . This is my latest photo in Indonesia .
金曜日, 9月 30, 2005
One of my good friends
Today I went out dinner with Adrian who work at same Hotel . Actually he is good trainer.
He is very energetic and social . He always give me great advice .
His talk really impress me all the time . You know most of time is serious but sometimes nice joke .
By the way we went to zion food court . There are plenty of stalls .
I ordered Sour & fish . It's qute nice as well as waitress's smile .