土曜日, 11月 19, 2005

Pleasure of after tennis !

After playing tennis ,I often enjoy dinner . Last time I went to a magic bar with Hideki-san and Kwanopapa-san .
It was first time to see a live magic . What a strange I think . It was really good show .
We had a very ggod time .
And one more photo is a Kawanomama-san and her daughter Yuki-chan in interesting brige .
I think the background [the bridge] is very nice on them. .

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Thank you for your intoroducing of our family.
I'm very shy , so seldam take a myown phot.
So this is a very precious one!

See you !

Hiroyuki Mori さんのコメント...

To ポーラママさん
You are welcome !
I like your family . So last saturday I really enjoyed dinner with your family . At that time I want to make a familiy in Singapore . It's my dream !