月曜日, 11月 14, 2005

English Hour

移動編 (空港から市内へいざ出発!)

Is there an airport bus to the city ? 「市内へ行く連絡バスはありますか?」
Where is the bus stop ?         「バス乗り場はどこですか?」
How much does it cost to the city by taxi ?  「市内までタクシー代はいくらですか?」
Where can I get the limousine for Hilton Hotel ? 「ヒルトンホテルに行くリムジンバスはどこで乗れますか?」
How can I get to the hotel ?  「そのホテルにはどうやって行くのですか?」
To National Tennis Center , please. 「ナショナルテニスセンターへ行ってください」
Take me to this address, please.  「この住所へ行ってください」
How long does it take to go to the city .? 「市内までどのくらいで行けますか?」
Please put my baggage in the trunk.  「荷物をトランクに入れてください」
Stop here ,please.         「ここで停めて下さい」
Which bus goes to the city ?   「市内へ行くバスはどれですか?」
What time does it leave ?   「出発時間は何時ですか」
Does this bus stop at Copthorne Hotel ?  「このバスはコプソンホテルに止まりますか」
Where can I get a ticket ?   「チケットはどこで買うのですか」
Could you tell me when we get there ? 「着いたら教えてください」


12 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

I am going to study more.

匿名 さんのコメント...

good luck guys!
I suppose to take Mr.Mori's, class this wednesday but
I have schedule for meeting so I will not. next time !

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hello, my name is Kasumi and I am a consultant for Wall Street Institute ( Mr.Mori's English school ).Our staff all love him because he is such a friendly, hard working & wonderful student!We are very happy when he is around in the center. I am so happy to see him teaching English to his students, making full use of what he has been learning!
Good luck to all of you on your tennis lessons as well as your English studies!!

Hiroyuki Mori さんのコメント...

To Naoki
How was last english class ?
You said [May I come in ? ] It was very good .
I think you have a sence of humor .
It's very important to communicate with people .

To Hideki-san
I see . I'm really looking forward to your joining in our english class .

To Kasumi-san
Thank you very much for comment .
Well, what a nice thing to say !
I think you are very kind consultant . And I like your english school system . That's why I'd like to recommend many people to join there .

匿名 さんのコメント...

I want to use this English.
Then, I want to talk in English.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Thank you new sentens.
I study hard.
see you tomorrow.

Hiroyuki Mori さんのコメント...

Hello Ryota and Shunji !
I am very happy to hear from you two guys .
I really enjoy studying english every day .
So let's improve our tennis as well as English .
See you tommorow's English class .

匿名 さんのコメント...

I will study English more and I want to speak English.

匿名 さんのコメント...

I will study English more and I want to speak English.

Hiroyuki Mori さんのコメント...

Hello Ryuji !
Sure You can do it . So please bring your homework today !I will teach you kindly .

匿名 さんのコメント...

ぜひ、次回の「English Hour」で試合で使う簡単な英語をお願いします。

Hiroyuki Mori さんのコメント...

Tiffany のママさん
コメント有り難うございます。 来週までに、試合で使えるフレーズを集めてみますね。お楽しみに!