I went to join my friend's housewarming party .
It was very nice and cozy house actually !
And I had a really good time I really enjoyed it
Anyway thank you very much for inviting me to your excellent place .
And also happy birthday Leanna!
火曜日, 6月 06, 2006
Housewarming paty
投稿者 Hiroyuki Mori 時刻: 10:47 午後
コメントの投稿 (Atom)
6 件のコメント:
The room looks quite nice!
I also want such a shelf that is reflected in background of photo..
Anyway,It was good to have wonderful birthday and housewarming for your friend!!
Thanks for your comment .
I am very happy to hear from you .
Actually you got a very good point . Cause the shelf is their most favorite things in the house .
Ok. next time I will introduce them to you cause they are very funy .
You still keep blogging,wao!
Dun know why but my mixi never catch up your blog update....
Anyway try to take a look nd
leave my comment :-)
Well, happy to c ur great days.
Thanks Bro!
What a really good man you are!
Your messages are always in my mind .
Anyway you can comment not only in English but it is also in Thai or Japanese .
I hope to hear from you soon.
ヽ(o´∀`o)゚.:。+コンニチワ+゚.:。゚(o´∀`o)ノ 一生懸命読ませて頂きましたがわかったような、わからないような・・┏○ペコッ
とっても楽しいパーティで~お友達のお誕生日もお祝いしたんですよね~~w【あってる?】写真だけでもなんかすご~~いって思いましたw意味わかんないコメントでごめんなさいペコリ(o_ _)o))
コンバンハ コメントありがとう!Housewarming paty って、引っ越し祝いパーティ− のことなんですよ、英語勉強中なのに、実は僕も知りませんでした。誰かが、引っ越しした人を祝うんじゃなくて、引っ越しした人が、みんなを招待してもてなすのが、このパーティーのコンセプトでした。レストランとかのレセプションパーティーのようなイメージかな?