月曜日, 7月 21, 2008

A stickler for words!

iFlickr, originally uploaded by smarthiro.

iFlickr, originally uploaded by smarthiro.

iFlickr, originally uploaded by smarthiro.

'' Words form thoughts, thoughts form realities, and realities become life.
If you want to change a person's external reality, you need to first change that person's internal reality. That is done through first changing , improving, or updating the words he or she uses. If you want to change people's lives, first change their words. And the good news is , words are free. ''

水曜日, 7月 16, 2008

So excited !!

iFlickr, originally uploaded by smarthiro.

iFlickr, originally uploaded by smarthiro.

英樹さんOn Stage に大興奮!So cool !!
Thai No1 tennis player タマリン選手との間でどんなコラボが待っているのか?I can't wait !

Hey Eiji!

iFlickr, originally uploaded by smarthiro.

It's been donkey's ears !
How have you been Eiji?

Eiji 君、アメリカへ留学して早2年、英語はもちろんの事、人としても
Stay in touch !!