火曜日, 7月 04, 2006

My English Teacher

Today, I wanna introduce you to Englsh teacher ,Paul at WSI .
He is very helpful and he always gives specific advices to my problem about learning Englsh .
He is also a keen sportsman. He likes to take his students out to teach them sports .
Last time I joined him at the East Coast Park, We went Roller-blading.
Eventhough it was my first time, I could do it quite well with his help.
Anyway , I think I am very lucky to know him.
Ok , from now I am going to take his class !
Let's get going!!

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


I didn't know you took picture of Mr. Pavel Adamek! haha... Now people might think that you didn't do anything in class because you keep taking pictures..


Hiroyuki Mori さんのコメント...

Richmond !
Thak you for leaving your comment.
I like Paul's class .
He is very good teacher cause every time corect my English. And you are fantastic my friend !
See you soon!